Infection Prevention and Control at the Grove Medical Centre
We take patient safety very seriously here at The Grove. One area that we pay particular attention to is Infection Prevention and Control. This means we have a number of safeguards in place to ensure our patients and staff are protected from the risk of infection whilst receiving or providing treatment.
These measures include:
- An appointed Infection Prevention lead nurse (Barbara Thrower) has overall responsibility for ensuring all staff follow the required regulations and standards and that workplace policies are adhered to.
- Mandatory Annual Infection Prevention training for all staff. This includes Admin Staff, Receptionists and Clinicians.
- Regular checks of the working environment to ensure regulations are being followed and standards are being met.
- Daily checks of the most critical areas to ensure safe working environment. This includes equipment cleaning and checking and regular fridge temperature checks for stored vaccines and other drugs.
- Safe disposal of sharps (needles used in injections) and other clinical waste including used dressings etc. using the appropriate methods and equipment. Our clinical waste is removed from the site on a weekly basis by an approved contractor and the whole process from beginning to end, complies with the very strict legislation applied to this area.
- Daily cleaning schedules for the whole practice environment, which are monitored by managers to ensure compliance. This includes work undertaken by our contract cleaners.
- Infection Prevention and Control is a standing agenda item on all clinical meetings within the practice.
This is a short summary of the key actions we take to ensure good practice. If you require any further information, please speak to any of our practice staff who will be happy to advise you further