Very Important Invitation
Patients can book their appointment at the surgery or locally with GP plus. Please let the surgery know if you are anxious or need more time at the appointment. All staff at the Grove have training regarding cervical screening bookings and are aware that some patients may need support during the appointment.
We provide language line for patients who do not have English as their first language.
Please check the link for more information on cervical screening ‘helping you decide’
What happens when I go for cervical screening (a smear test)?
Cervical Screenings Saves Lives.
However, if after reading the leaflets above, you do decide you do not want to be part of the call up scheme, the surgery can provide a form for you to cease.
Even after filling out the form and having requested ceasing the call up scheme, you can request this test at any time.
Cervical screening is open to ALL patients with a cervix aged 25 to 64 years old.